Ms. Flattie in Columbia, South Carolina

Dear Class,
I am now in South Carolina, USA.  I arrived here from Canada where I was visiting my friend Jill's class.  Now I'm in a city called Columbia, South Carolina visiting Beth's class.

This class is a 4th grade class.  Most of the students are 9 and 10 years old. I am attaching some photos of me at their school.  Here I am in front of the school:

Over the weekend, I visited the site of an old fort where the Native Americans traded with the first British settlers in South Carolina, when it was a British colony before the American Revolution  In the background you will see a creek.  Next, I visited the Congaree Swamp.  After that, I went to the South Carolina State House, site of a battle during the American Civil War.  I posed with a statue of George Washington there in Columbia. I also took a picture by some blooming flowers since we're having an early spring here in South Carolina this year.

My next stop is Athens, Greece, where I will go to visit my friend Vasiliki at her school.


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