Flat Neha Visits Washington DC

Hi Class,
Flattie had quite a day today!  She tried to walk down a restricted street and got turned back by some very nice policemen. She found the corner of Executive avenue and Pennsylvania Ave and saw the White House!  There were lots of people demonstrating there today, anti war groups, people in support of Lyme Disease research (we thought that was interesting), there was a group there asking for support to depose all dictators (their chant was very interesting, but boy did they had a hard time chanting "down with Amadinajad"); there were people against killing animals (we liked them alot); and one naked guy sitting on a park bench (we think the Park Police will make him leave); we saw a Presidential Motorcade, but didn't get a picture, darn; anyway it was a fun day.  Now we are getting ready for our trip to Azerbaijan and the Republic of Georgia on Friday.  We'll send photos!
Thanks for sending Flattie to visit!
Flat Neha and Geri

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